The Cola tic

A Blast from the Past!

Grandpa Worthington

If you read our story, you’ll know that we named our home bar after our grandpa’s last name: Worthington. When we were growing up, every now and then, grandpa would fascinate us with stories of his youth, share life lessons, and occasionally, let us sneak a sip of his signature “cocktail” – Cola Tic.

Unraveling the Mystery of Cola Tic: A Refreshing Twist on a Classic

In the realm of mixed drinks, the Cola Tic stands as a beloved concoction cherished for its simplicity and satisfying taste. Typically, a cola tic is a long drink crafted by combining cola with a splash of spirits, often genever or rum, creating a refreshing and invigorating beverage. However, within the confines of our family, our grandfather introduced his unique take on this timeless classic, substituting genever with Vieux, a Dutch brandy with its own distinctive character.

The Cola Tic on a bar top.

This twist added a layer of complexity to the drink, infusing it with rich, caramelized notes that complemented the effervescent sweetness of the cola. Thus, the Cola Tic became more than just a beverage; it became a symbol of tradition, innovation, and the joy of sharing cherished moments with loved ones.

Debating the Definition: Is it a Cocktail or Just a Mixed Drink?

Now, whether Cola Tic qualifies as a cocktail or simply a mixed drink has been a topic of debate in our family for years. Grandpa insists it’s a cocktail, but we’re not entirely convinced. Nevertheless, what we can all agree on is its unmistakable taste and the memories it evokes.

Setting the Scene: A Perfect Summer Evening

Picture this: a warm summer evening, the sun setting in hues of orange and pink, and the sound of laughter filling the air. That’s the perfect setting for enjoying a Cola Tic. It’s quick and easy to make, requiring just two ingredients – Vieux and cola. Grandpa always insisted on using Coca-Cola for that authentic flavor.

Surprising Discoveries: From Skepticism to Satisfaction

As teenagers, we were skeptical. A cocktail made with cola? It seemed too simple, too ordinary. But one sip was all it took to change our minds. The combination of Vieux’s rich, caramel notes with the bubbly sweetness of cola was surprisingly delightful.

Memories in a Glass: Grandpa’s Special Touch

Years later, when we were finally of legal drinking age, Grandpa would proudly mix up a batch of Cola Tic for us whenever we visited. He’d pour the Vieux over ice, add a generous splash of cola, and top it off with a lime wedge for that extra touch of freshness.

Classified or Not, Cola Tic Holds a Special Place

The Cola Tic on a bar top with a black background.

Is it a cocktail? Is it just a mixed drink? We may never reach a consensus, but one thing’s for sure – Cola Tic holds a special place in our hearts. It’s not just about the taste; it’s about the memories it represents – lazy summer afternoons spent with family, sharing stories and laughter over a simple yet satisfying drink.

Final thoughts: Cheers to Grandpa and His Timeless Recipe

So, whether you classify it as a cocktail or not, one thing’s for certain – Cola Tic is a classic in its own right. Quick, easy, and undeniably delicious, it’s the perfect beverage for making memories with friends and family on those warm summer nights. Cheers to Grandpa and his timeless recipe!

📸 Don’t forget to share your Fizzy Peachtree creations with us using #WorthingtonsBar. We can’t wait to see the creativity and summer vibes you bring to this refreshing peach drink! Cheers! 🌟✨

🥤The Cola Tic 🥤

  • 50 ml Vieux 
  • 100 ml Cola
  • Garnish: Lime Wedge


  1. Fill the glass with ice cubes.
  2. Add the vieux & cola.
  3. Stir gently.
  4. Garnish with the lime wedge.
  5. Enjoy!
The Cola Tic on a bar top, surrounded by its ingredients.

Remember: Drink Responsibly, Don’t Spill Any!😉

Make sure to check out our Instagram page! We would love to connect with you and hear about what recipe we should make next. 😁

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