Our Story

In the summer of 2019, the custom-made home bar was delivered to Heerjansdam from Biervliet, and Worthington’s Home Bar was born! Soon the shelves were filled with liqueurs, bar syrups, and cocktail tools. A beer tap was purchased and we created a DIY hanging rack for the glasses. Finally, we mounted a TV because it is a must to watch sports in the bar.

At the end of May 2022, we posted the first photo and cocktail recipe on our Instagram page @WorthingtonsBar: the Tom Collins. Less than a month later we received an Instagram message from Bols USA asking if we could recreate one of our videos in a different glass so they could post the video on their own Instagram! Of course we did and this video has since been viewed more than 8,000 times!

Our online reach and worldwide views keep growing every day, so we figured it was time for our own website. This website is a journey through our cocktail apprenticeship. Starting with the very first drink we ever tasted, Grandpa’s Cola Tic. Which is really just a mixer and not a cocktail. But that doesn’t make it any less delicious!

The journey continued to Cuba, where we had our first taste of our parents’ Mojitos. A few years later we were in our own home bar making this Mojito ourselves! Also, the Tom Collins, Gin & Tonic, Lilet Wildberry, Espresso Martini, and The Blue Hawaii are now regular cocktails at Worthington’s Home Bar.

The journey takes a step further to the culinary Versace On The Floor cocktail by Chef Scott Conant in Phoenix, Arizona, USA. This cocktail requires a lot of preparation but it’s absolutely worth it!
We don’t just make cocktails. We often make mocktails (for our grandma), and tap a few beers, Grandpa prefers a glass of his special apple juice (apple whiskey) and of course, we also drink wine. 

Of course, we also want to take a moment to thank some people for making the bar, this website, and the empty glasses possible.

We would like to thank Edward for purchasing the bar. Despite much resistance from our mother, he managed to convince her (read: buy a bar without saying so) and place a bar in the house.
This website and our socials would not have looked like this without Britt’s help, she creates all our graphics, which we are very thankful for.

Finally, we would like to thank guests for emptying their glasses. We take this as a sign that the drink tasted very good!

Have fun making and drinking these cocktails!


Drink Responsibly, Don’t Spill Any! 😉

Meet The Team

Roy Worthington
Certified Whiskey Drinker

If you ask Grandpa Roy, after whom we named the bar, what he likes to drink, you’ll probably hear him say, “I’d like some apple juice”. Of course, he does not mean real apple juice, but a glass of apple whiskey with one ice cube. Grandpa’s favorite ‘apple juice’ brand is the Crown Royal Apple Whiskey from Canada.

The first ‘cocktail’ we ever tasted was when Grandpa gave us a sip of his drink. He called it a Cola-Tic, which is just Vieux mixed with Coke. But just because it’s a mixed drink and not really a cocktail, doesn’t mean it doesn’t taste great! After tasting a few different cocktails, a Cola-Tic is still Grandpa’s favorite!

Edward Worthington
Founder & The Money Man

Edward is not only the money man, but a man with a lot of ideas. Some are great, some are crazy and some are just not it. But we love him anyway!

His favorite easy-to-make cocktails are the Mojito and the Caipirinha. But his ultimate favorite cocktail is the Versace On The Floor from The Americano Restaurant in Phoenix, Arizona.

Joy Visser
Mastermind & Content Creator

Joy is the one who will wake you up in the morning because she is trying out a new cocktail recipe and needs someone to taste it. She films, edits, and directs all posts and comes up with creative ideas for new content.

Her favorite cocktail depends on her mood. But the Espresso Martini & the Frozen Strawberry Daiquiri are definitely up there.

Xander Visser
Amateur Sommelier & ‘Pilsie’ Drinker

Xander is the odd one out. He is the one family member who does like cocktails the least of us all. He prefers wine and beer or as he calls it ‘a Pilsie’. From time to time he does drink a cocktail or two.

His favorite drinks other than wine are Espresso Martini, Baby Guinness, Tom Collins, and everything else that has to do with alcohol.

Britt van Schie
Cocktail Enthusiast & Amazing Graphic Designer

Britt is a regular at our home bar. Not just because of the drinks, but because she designed our logo and created all of our graphic designs. Which we absolutely love!

She loves to drink Espresso Martinis and everything that has ginger in it!

Elize Worthington
Honorary Guest

Elize is our honorary guest and the mother of Joy & Xander. Her favorite cocktail is the Wildberry Lillet and she loves to sip on any Baileys on the rocks!

Friends & Family

The team cannot be completed without people who test and empty the drinks. Besides the team itself, we have a good group of friends and family that help us with this.

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