Dutch Sleeping Beauty

A Warm Anise Delight!

As winter wraps its chilly arms around us, there’s nothing like a cup of warmth to cozy up the coldest of days. Enter the Dutch Sleeping Beauty, a delightful non-alcoholic drink that not only promises to banish the winter blues but also invites you into a dreamy world of comfort. This Dutch classic, warm anise milk, isn’t just about chasing away the cold; it’s a magical elixir known for promoting better sleep, aiding digestion, and soothing the soul. So, let’s uncover the secrets behind the Dutch Sleeping Beauty, a drink that’s as charming as its name suggests!

The Dutch Sleeping Beauty Chronicles

Picture this: a Dutch grandmother stirring a steaming pot of warm anise milk on a frosty evening. The air is filled with the sweet, licorice-like aroma of anise, promising both comfort and a touch of magic. This centuries-old concoction has been a staple in Dutch households, not just for its deliciousness but for its reputed healing properties.

Healing Powers of Warm Anise Milk

Dutch Sleeping Beauty on a bar top with a black background

The Dutch Sleeping Beauty isn’t your ordinary warm beverage; it’s a potion with a purpose. Traditionally, warm anise milk has been cherished for its ability to kick winter colds to the curb. Packed with the soothing powers of anise, this drink is your go-to remedy for sniffles and sneezes. But its prowess extends beyond cold-busting – it’s a friend to your digestive system, offering relief from stomach pains and discomfort.

Dreamy Slumbers and Cozy Nights

Now, let’s get to the enchanting part – the name itself gives it away! The Dutch Sleeping Beauty is no ordinary bedtime drink; it’s a lullaby in a cup. Sipping on warm anise milk before bedtime has long been a Dutch tradition believed to promote better sleep and ward off those pesky, restless dreams. Imagine drifting off into dreamland with the subtle sweetness of anise guiding your way – sounds like the coziest slumber, doesn’t it?

The Versatility of the Dutch Sleeping Beauty

What makes the Dutch Sleeping Beauty even more captivating is its versatility. There’s no one-size-fits-all recipe; it’s a canvas waiting for your creative strokes. Some opt for anise powder for a quick fix, while others, like us, prefer the rich depth of non-alcoholic anise liqueur. And if you’re in the mood for a grown-up version, a splash of alcoholic anise liqueur can transform this comforting elixir into a nightcap for the ages.

Crafting Your Own Dreamy Brew

While we’re not diving into the recipe details here (we’ll leave that to your imagination), envision yourself in a cozy kitchen, the scent of anise wafting through the air. Whether you’re steeping anise pods, stirring in anise powder, or pouring a generous measure of anise liqueur, the magic unfolds in the simplicity of the process. The Dutch Sleeping Beauty is a testament to the joy found in the art of crafting a warm, comforting brew.

Final Thoughts

So, there you have it – the Dutch Sleeping Beauty, a warm anise milk delight that transcends seasons and transports you to a world of comfort and charm. Whether you’re sipping it to chase away the winter chill, soothe a troubled stomach, or enjoy a restful night’s sleep, this Dutch classic is a celebration of warmth, tradition, and the simple pleasures found in a cup of steaming goodness. So, next time you crave a cozy night in, let the Dutch Sleeping Beauty be your guide to dreamy sips and enchanted evenings! Cheers to warmth, comfort, and the magic of the Dutch Sleeping Beauty!

📸 Don’t forget to capture the magic of your creation of this mocktail and share it with us using #WorthingtonsBar. We can’t wait to see for who you’ll be making this enchanting mocktail! 🌟✨

😴 Dutch Sleeping Beauty 😴 

  • 30 ml Non-Alcoholic Anise Liqueur
  • 150 ml Milk
  • Optional: 15 ml sugar syrup


  1. Heat the milk in a pan or a milk frother.
  2. Pour the liqueur into the mug.
  3. Add the sugar syrup if you prefer a sweeter version of this drink.
  4. Pour the heated milk into the glass.
  5. Stir gently.
  6. Garnish with a dried star anise.6. Garnish with a dried star anise.
  7. Enjoy!
Dutch Sleeping Beauty on a bar top, surrounded by its ingredients

Remember: Drink Responsibly, Don’t Spill Any! 😉

If You Want To See The Video Tutorial On This Drink, Check It Out Here On Our Instagram Page! We Would Love To Connect With You And Hear About What recipes We Should Make Next. 😁

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